The main goal of dentistry is to preserve your natural teeth and keep them healthy for as long as possible. There are times, however, when it is in your best interest (or your child's) to have a tooth extracted (removed). Our team are extraction specialists and guarantee a high-quality job.
The first step in any extraction is a radiographic (x-ray) examination to assess the position of the tooth roots and the condition of the surrounding bone. Tooth extraction is usually carried out with local anesthesia, which will numb the teeth to be removed, and the surrounding bone and gum tissues. As your tooth is being removed, steps are taken to ensure the bone that surrounds it isn't damaged.
Immediately after your tooth is extracted, the socket will be covered with sterile gauze; gentle pressure will be applied for 10 to 20 minutes to control any bleeding. Small sutures (stitches) might also be used for this purpose. It's normal to experience some mild to moderate post-operative discomfort and/or swelling. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to ensure infection-free healing.
Phone: (907) 235-1286
Homer Office
Address: 549 Grubstake Ave Suite A Homer, AK 99603
Fax: (907) 235-1263