Even if you brush and floss your teeth faithfully, it is important you have your teeth professionally cleaned on a regular basis. If you aren't quite so meticulous about your oral hygiene, it's even more important! Regular visits for general dentistry at Preventive Dentistry Services will leave your feeling smooth and squeaky-clean, and looking brighter and healthier.
“Digital Scanning our new patients to include them in seeing their teeth in their current condition and discussing recommendations to keep their teeth healthy for a lifetime.
Why do your teeth need general dentistry attention every four to six months? Essentially, it's because over time they tend to build up a layer of plaque (a sticky, bacteria-rich film) and hard deposits (called tartar, or calculus) that are very difficult to remove without special tools. When these deposits are allowed to remain on the tooth surfaces or below the gum line, they provide ideal conditions for bacteria to grow and multiply.
Your general dentistry cleaning at Preventive Dentistry Services will be done with either an ultrasonic scaler or metal instruments referred to as curettes to remove the plaque and calculus from the tooth surfaces. The ultrasonic scaler is a hand-held tool with a tiny tip that vibrates at a very high frequency. Hardened deposits are broken up by the rapid movement of the tip, which does not damage the tooth. Finally, your teeth are polished with a low-speed rotary brush fitted with a soft rubber tip. A slightly gritty, toothpaste-like gel is applied, and the tip spins around and polishes the teeth, making them smooth and shiny.
Most people don't feel any noticeable discomfort during dental cleanings or other general dentistry procedures. Some even report they enjoy the experience — especially the dramatic results when it's done! This type of regular maintenance will help you avoid more involved dental procedures down the road, and give you the best chance of keeping your teeth for life!
Phone: (907) 235-1286
Homer Office
Address: 549 Grubstake Ave Suite A Homer, AK 99603
Fax: (907) 235-1263